Register to Atlas, Extract Features, Analyse, Visualise
Spatial Analysis for Open Science
In coordination with other parts of EBRAINS we have several long-term objectives:
We have developed an online workbench that allows scientists to spatially register and analyse their histology in a single, integrated interactive workflow.
You can complete the entire interactive workflow offline using our standalone software.
The first step in registering your data is finding the precise plane in the atlas corresponding to your brain section image.
Since slide mounted sections often contain small deformations the initial fit to the atlas will not be perfect. This is why we built Visualign, which allows non-linear refinement of the atlas-registration.
You will need to extract your features-of-interest from the images using a tool such as ilastik, then you are ready to transform your data into atlas space.
Once you have registered your section images to the atlas and segmented the features to be quantified, you are ready to transform your data into atlas space using Nutil.
Meshview allows you to display point clouds in 3D atlas space.
Download the QUINT tools to get started with your own analysis.
Or launch the workbench for spatial anchoring and analysis.
Our tools were presented at several national and international conferences, courses and workshops. We receive many feature requests.